Construction Industry, Contract Administration

A long term view for Credit Crunch

A long term view for Credit Crunch
by Omar Al Saadoon
Senior Associate Omar Al Saadoon.Construction & Engineering Practice – Al Tamimi & Company

This article might deter short term speculators or pessimists (so called realists) in reading further and if so no hard feelings. I too have noticed a reduction in crane activity and generally less traffic on the Sheikh Zayed Road. I also understand and appreciate the world we have lived in is rapidly changing and the credit crunch is likely to have a profound impact on global construction industries for the foreseeable future. …

Civil Engineering

Duct Cleaning

By Chris Welsh
For allergy sufferers life can be a never ending quest to discover the causes of those headaches, congested sinuses, itchy eyes and general irritation that plagues them. Medication, weather, commercial products and personal habits are all scrutinized, put under the microscope to determine if they contribute in any way to the allergic reactions. …

Contract Administration

How to terminate a contract

by Michelle Nelson
One of the issues coming across our desks more and more is that of termination of a construction contract/ The questions asked are usually: can we terminate this contractor/subcontractor for non-performance? What about termination because we can get a better price elsewhere? Or on the other side of the fence: we were terminated without reason or warning. Can we make a claim? …

Construction Law

PWA’s general conditions of contract and the applicable provision of law no. 22 of 2004 (Civil Code of Qatar)

By: ‎Rey I. Madroño
‎(Construction-Contracts Lawyer & Engineer)‎

IntroductionThe Civil Code of Qatar, Law No. 22 of 2004 took effect on 30 June ‎‎2004. This relatively new law is a variant of the Civil Code of Egypt with ‎modifications but majority of the provisions on Obligations and ‎Contracts under the Egyptian Civil Code are retained with minor ‎changes under Law No. 22.‎ …

General Management

How to focus on customers?

By Sanjiv Anand and V. Ramkumar
While we may hear several organisations claiming to be customer focused, it is easy to observe not many are. The success of building a customer focused organisation is not just in defining who your customers are, but in also creating a culture in the organisation that is oriented towards servicing them effectively and investing in the measurement of customer service. …

Project Management

Project Managers Need to Set Deadlines, Even if the Client Doesn’t

Many projects have firm deadlines that are the result of business constraints, the fiscal calendar or the relationship with other projects. However, many projects do not have a firm external deadline. In fact, your sponsor may want the project completed as soon as possible, but the sponsor does not have a reason why the deadline should be one date versus another. …

PMP Hints

Manage the Work at a High-Level or Low-Level Based on the Situation

One of the common responsibilities of all managers is the management of people and the management of work (if you don’t do either, you are not really a manager). All managers need to have timely, relevant and accurate information so that they can manage their people and work effectively. The trick, of course, is to know how much information you need, and at what level.  …

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